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Making tags

Hoje, fazer etiquetas para uns embrulhos que vão para uma pessoa (uma blogger) que admiro muito.

[Dica: Papel de scrapbooking (comprado aqui), linha tipo baker's twine (compradas aqui e aqui), e um furador (comprado aqui).]

Ao acordar hoje :: Waking up today

E hoje foi assim, de manhã ao acordar.

This was the first thing I saw today when I woke up.

My favourite flower

Every year they just lighten up my home with their beautiful colours. 
My fav flowers: Tulips! 

 In fact, they are the most beautiful flower in the world! 
(ok, I let you desagree on that! I can think about simple daisies, marvelous orchids and the all-time-beautiful-and-enchanting roses.)

Todos os anos é inevitável: cultivadas e compradas, sempre a encher a casa de cor!
As tulipas são as minha flor preferida e definitivamente a mais bonita do mundo!
(Ok, podem discordar!... Também gosto muito das simples margaridas, das orquídeas, das rosas...)

Crafty gifts

Aqui está!

Este Natal recebi algumas prendas crafty.
Uma máquina de costura e uma malinha cheia de materiais (feltro, contas, lantejoulas, missangas, etc.) e com instruções para fazer uma série peças giras.

Já passou quase um mês e ainda não a utilizei... Tenho-me desculpado com o J. (o meu filhote com 3 meses), mas acho que a verdade é que ainda não decidi por onde começar... São tantas as ideias! Acho que às vezes pior do que não ter nenhuma ideia é ter ideias a mais!

This Christmas I got a couple of crafty things.
A mini sewing machine and a case full of materials (such as felt, sequins, beads, ribbon, etc.) with tutorials for making a few cute things.

It has been a month now and I still haven't used it... 
My 3-months-old baby is an excuse but the truth is that I have too many ideas on how to use it! And I think that's worse than having none! 

Like a potato

Fonte desconhecida.

Just like that. Since October 7th.

Assim, tal e qual. Desde 7 de Outubro.

Google knows everything

O que é que eu preciso?

Pode parecer uma pergunta filosófica, que demoraria tempo e uma profunda reflexão para encontrar a resposta. Mas afinal a resposta foi simples e rápida:

Fui ao Google e escrevi "[o meu nome] precisa de". Enter.
Eis as respostas:

- ajuda
- esquecer
- encontrar
- realizar
- treinar mais
- discernimento

Afinal encontramos mesmo tudo no Google. Até a resposta para as perguntas mais pessoais.

E caso estejas tu a perguntar-te, meu Marido Lindo, o que é que o Google diz que tu precisas, aqui vai:

- ti! (até o google sabe que tu precisas de mim! :) )
- ajuda
- muita atenção (ensonado como andas, vê lá!)
- fazer dieta (hummm... não vou comentar... :) )
- espaço
- descansar e ponderar (pois, descansar!)
- repouso (pois, repousar!)
- tempo


How I miss those endless summer vacations in my granny's home... I was happy there.

Que saudades que eu tenho daquelas férias de verão intermináveis, e tão cheias, na casa da minha avó...
Ali fui feliz.

Why I am Getting a Dog

I found this video from YouTube. We are getting a dog!
Hey, N., can you imagine this with our baby J. and Fera the Labrador?


It has been 4 years now since I took my driving licence. So far I have driven a few times (well, many times but off-road in Africa... and I don't count those because there were no rules, no signs, no intersections, no roundabounds, no other cars to look to...), and only once I drove alone... for 15 minutes and following my boyfriend's car (now my husband)...

Now, I found this funny little test: Do you drive like a man or like a woman? Here are the results:

Your Driving Is is: 23% Male, 77% Female

According to studies, you generally drive like a typical female.You are a careful, skilled driver. And you are patient in sticky driving situations.You may get aggressive from time to time, but normally you're a cool, collected driver.">Do You Drive Like a Guy or a Girl?

One Month Old!

It has been such a loooong time...

All this new mommy life as taken all my time and strenghts and patience to be writing on the computer...

But today is a great day, and a new chance to restart my blog!

Today is my son's birthday! He is one month old!
Named João. Born on October the 7th, at 4am.

I'm a haaaaappppyyy MOM!

Still getting used to all the changes: sleepless nights, diapers, milk bottles, bad smells and good smells, soft skin, little feet and strong little hands that hold my fingers, all the frown faces and all of the sweet smiles!
I am blessed!

From a Pre-Mom to all Already-Moms-that-blog

Sometimes I entertain myself just by going through "next blog", to see what's going on in this bloggers' world.

Some of them I don't understand a bit! (I have to confess that I missed a lot of my arabic, japanese and northern europe languages classes! lol)

Others just cause me to repulse... (this is a rotten world...)

Every time I find a blog in portuguese (my beautiful language) I find myself smilling and spending a little more time reading it, and asking myself if it is written by someone I know... (ok...)
I have been positively surprised with a large number of blogs.

And, finally (this is the true reason of this entry), I have found lots of blogs written by MOMs!

As I am a pre-Mom (yes, I'm spreading the news to the whole world!) of my first child, I often wonder what changes will this big change cause in my daily life... Most of my close friends - that already have kids - look at us (me and my husband) with a certain look and just say "enjoy what you have, because then it will all be different..."... But I still have hope that things with us won't change that much... And moms that have time to blog are a bit of a hope! :-)

Have you ever thought about changing your email account? I did and the result was worthwhile!

Last week I changed my email account.

I had like 6 accounts and was sick and tired of spending hours going through them all.
So from now on I only have one account.

As a result I had to collect all the adresses of my friends, family and other significant people, in all my accounts and add them to my new one.

Then I sent an email to all of them, so they would know my new email, and the result was something I was not expecting... I received so many emails... Some of friends I haven't heard about a long time. Other from people I wouldn't expect... And it was great!

What was intended just to get my life a bit easier ended up by being a way of getting in touch with a lot of people I (know it now) was missing.