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2013. 365 oportunidades para acreditar, para lutar, para amar, para sorrir. O melhor está para vir.

Oh the beauty

Foto: Pôr-do-sol, da janela da cozinha.

[Sunset. From my kitchen's window.]

Un Unexpected Christmas

Two years after this sweet video, they strike again with this funny video! (by children of St Paul's Church, Auckland, New Zealand)

Christmas time!

The Christmas story told by children (of  St Paul's Church, Auckland, New Zealand).
[So sweet!]

What makes you happy?

A film about taking a moment to consider the simpler things in life. 200 people were asked one simple question and this film is just some of the most honest answers.

[It makes me smile. It makes me cry. It gives me hope.]

Director/Camera/Editor - Robin Murray
Music - Paul Ward
100 Happy Faces was produced as part of the Irish Film Board Virtual Cinema Scheme co-ordinated by Stephen McCormack and Helen O'Reilly at Straywave Media.

Tree of Life

A criação. A Queda. A redenção. O Fim. A família. A vida. A escolha: natureza ou Graça. O Amor.

Poesia. Beleza. Arte. Um dos filmes da minha vida. Obrigada, Terrence Mallick.

The Tree of Life" is the impressionistic story of a Midwestern family in the 1950's. The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of childhood to his disillusioned adult years as he tries to reconcile a complicated relationship with his father (Brad Pitt). Jack (played as an adult by Sean Penn) finds himself a lost soul in the modern world, seeking answers to the origins and meaning of life while questioning the existence of faith. Through Malick's signature imagery, we see how both brute nature and spiritual grace shape not only our lives as individuals and families, but all life.

You know who I am

For all of you who know who I am. [Love you]

Days with my Father

Today this made me cry...

[Love you, Dad...]

Beauty is in the simple things

[Her Morning Elegance, by Oren Lavie]


Just joined Facebook. 
That is a big thing for me. I have never ever joined a social network, like Hi5. 
I cherish personal contact, not artificial digital relationships.
Let's see if I can enjoy this.

Edited, 2 years later: Facebook is great! Although I am getting annoyed with all the distractions (I am a fan of lots of pages and my feed is all full of things I am not so interested in and because of that I am missing some of my friends' posts), I was able to get in touch with a lot of people I wasn't with for years! Sweet friends and school friends.

Google knows everything

O que é que eu preciso?

Pode parecer uma pergunta filosófica, que demoraria tempo e uma profunda reflexão para encontrar a resposta. Mas afinal a resposta foi simples e rápida:

Fui ao Google e escrevi "[o meu nome] precisa de". Enter.
Eis as respostas:

- ajuda
- esquecer
- encontrar
- realizar
- treinar mais
- discernimento

Afinal encontramos mesmo tudo no Google. Até a resposta para as perguntas mais pessoais.

E caso estejas tu a perguntar-te, meu Marido Lindo, o que é que o Google diz que tu precisas, aqui vai:

- ti! (até o google sabe que tu precisas de mim! :) )
- ajuda
- muita atenção (ensonado como andas, vê lá!)
- fazer dieta (hummm... não vou comentar... :) )
- espaço
- descansar e ponderar (pois, descansar!)
- repouso (pois, repousar!)
- tempo

A minha história

(scroll down for english version)

A paixão por trabalhos manuais (ou handmade crafts, como se usa agora) sempre existiu. 

Em criança passava horas a inventar coisas com os objectos do dia-a-dia (os copos de iogurte depois de lavados, os rolos de papel higiénico, as caixas de fósforo vazias, as pedras que apanhava no rio ao pé da casa da minha avó, as conchas apanhadas no Algarve nas féria de Verão, as palhinhas de beber o leite com chocolate, os bocadinhos de tecido que a minha avó já não usava, os paus de madeira do algodão doce...). 

Fazia brinquedos para mim, como marionetes, caixas de lápis, roupa para a Barbie, papagaios de papel. No Natal fazia as minhas próprias prendas para oferecer à família. Forrava caixas de perfumes para guardarem coisas, pintava pedras...

Parece estar nos meus genes.

O meu avô paterno trabalhava a madeira como ninguém e era um engenhocas.

A minha avó paterna e a sua mãe eram costureiras. Faziam roupa, coisas para a casa, mantas e tapetes de retalhos.

A minha avó materna sempre soube costurar e sobretudo fazer malha. Tenho casacos e vestidinhos, cachecóis e gorros, feitos por ela para mim e agora para os meus filhos. Sempre que ia lá a casa havia um projecto a decorrer para oferecer a alguém.

O meu avô paterno teve uma loja de máquinas de costura e acessórios.

A minha mãe fez o curso de Artes Domésticas e guarda tesouros dessa altura. Tinha umas mãos de fada para isso e para desenho. Nunca aprendeu a costurar, mas cresci a vê-la sempre com as mãos numa malha ou num crochet.

O meu pai tem a costela do seu pai, sempre com a mão nalgum engenho, e dele guardo os desenhos do liceu que são preciosidades.

De uns e de outros quero aprender e guardar. De uns e de outros quero pensar que - não sendo tão boa - herdei algum talento.

Aprendi a costurar e a bordar com a minha avó paterna, nas intermináveis férias de Verão passadas lá na quinta. No terraço, à sombra das glicínias que ainda hoje existem.

Hoje, depois de ser mãe pela primeira vez, parece renascer a paixão adormecida.
Ao pesquisar por projectos e ideias na internet, descobri todo o mundo dos blogs crafty. Estou encantada!

Não tenho ainda nada para mostrar que seja meu, feito por mim. Nem sei quando vou ter... Não pego na máquina de costura há uns 15 anos e nunca mais voltei a bordar. Nunca aprendi a fazer malha ou crochet (e não sei se me apetece). Mas decidi iniciar este blog para documentar aquilo que espero vir a fazer, os materiais que for encontrando, os blogs e projectos que me forem encantando.

I have a passion for handmade crafts since I can remember...

As a child I would spend endless hours making things with simple everyday objects I found at home (empty yogurt cups, toilet paper empty rolls, matchboxes, rocks that I would pick up by the river at my granny's cottage, shells picked at the beach, fabric scraps that my granny would not be using anymore, cotton candy wood sticks...)

I made lots of toys for me, such as puppets, pencil boxes and cases, Barbie's clothing...
In my Winter holidays from school I made Christmas presents to everyone in my family...

The "handmade" seems to be in my genes...

My grandfather from my dad's side, made beautiful wood objects and was a great handyman.

My grandmother and her mother from my dad's side were dressmakers (seamstresses). They made clothing, garnments, things for the home, and beautiful quilts.

My grandmother from my mom's side knows how to sew, knit and crochet. I have lots of baby and child dresses, bennies and blankets that she made for me and more recently for my kids. Since I can remember she is always with her hands on a project (something to give to someone).

My grandfather from my mom's side had a business on selling sewing machines and sewing accessories.

My mom studied handicrafts and embroidery and she still has some treasures that she made at the time. I have grown watching her knitting and crocheting.

My dad is just like his father. Always fixing something, planning something and he was really keen on drawing.

From all of them I want to keep some things and learn. From all of them I love to think that I inherited some of their habilities...

I have learnt sewing and embroidery with my grandmother (from my dad's side) in my endless Summer vacations spent at her countryside cottage.

Now, after I was a mom for the first time, this passion for the handmade and for crafts seems to be awakening again...
Searching for ideas and handmade projects in the internet I have found an huge unknow world of craft blogs and Flickr! I am so delighted!

I have nothing handmade by me to show you... And I don't know when I will be starting to do something... I don't use a sewing machine for 15 years now and I haven't done any embroidery lately... I have never learned to knit (and I don't know if I wnat too...). But I have decided to start this blog to document everything I will hope to be doing, materials I will find, blogs and projects that I will love.