
It has been 4 years now since I took my driving licence. So far I have driven a few times (well, many times but off-road in Africa... and I don't count those because there were no rules, no signs, no intersections, no roundabounds, no other cars to look to...), and only once I drove alone... for 15 minutes and following my boyfriend's car (now my husband)...

Now, I found this funny little test: Do you drive like a man or like a woman? Here are the results:

Your Driving Is is: 23% Male, 77% Female

According to studies, you generally drive like a typical female.You are a careful, skilled driver. And you are patient in sticky driving situations.You may get aggressive from time to time, but normally you're a cool, collected driver.

http://www.blogthings.com/doyoudrivelikeaguyoragirlquiz/">Do You Drive Like a Guy or a Girl?

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