I have been in love with the Laure Qipao Dress pattern since it was released. So, when I was invited to join the Birch x StraightGrain blog tour I *had* to say yes! Fast forward to the end, I loved making it! And this fabric... so, so good!
(Before I get started, let me say that my DSLR camera is not working properly and all photos look fuzzy... I did my best with editing but it didn't help much... so, please escuse the lack of good photos on this post. As soon as I'm able to get a few better than these I will edit it to add the new ones. :/ )
Laure dress by StraightGrain. I used the paper version but you can also get it the PDF.
I have to say it felt so good to use the paper version! Although I am a strong advocate of PDF patterns I must say I love using paper patterns as much. There are days in which I just can't bring myself to all the cutting and taping that PDF patterns require... sometimes it is faster to trace it from paper. Also, it felt really good to follow the instructions on paper, since I never ever print the instructions for PDF patterns.
Note: If you are in the USA you can also get the paper version of StraightGrain patterns from Fabricworm.
I have always been a huge fan of Birch Organics. I mean, shouldn't all fabric be organic? (No pesticides added!) I have used their fabric before and have never been disappointed with its quality.
For this tour we had to pick fabric (poplin or knit) from the gorgeous Wistle Poplin collection. I picked the Tiny Steps Blue and solid ruby poplin (you can check all their solid color poplins here). This poplin is soft and crisp, perfect for sewing and wearing.

As for all StraightGrain patterns, the Laure comes jam packed with options! I love, love, An's patterns not only because of that (who doesn't love a thousand of different options on a pattern? It always makes me feel that I have just bought a bargain.), but because I know they are well drafted and use good sewing techniques. And that, my lovely readers, is SO important!
I have opted for the classic Qipao shift dress, size 6 width + size 9 length. She was actually size 5 for width but I (almost) always prefer to make a size bigger so it lasts longer. Specially when I'm using good fabric. :)
If you follow this blog for some time you know how much I love piping. <3 There has been a long time since I used it, mostly because I have so little sewing time these days (because of one little baby and one toddler, and five kids in total) that I am keeping all the sewing simple and quick. Well, the Qipao version has aditional steps for adding piping to the collar and yoke curve, so I jumped at the chance of adding piping! If you never used piping you really should. It is not difficult at all and adds the perfect detail to garments. An of StraightGrain has a good tutorial on how to do it, you can see it here.
Don't forget to have a look at all the participants on this tour! So much inspiration! <3
Birch - Knee Socks and Goldilocks - Petrol & Mint - The Crafty Kitty - Christinaa - Just Add Fabric
I Love You Sew - My Petite Sophie - While She Was Sleeping - StraightGrain - Made By Sara
Happy sewing!
This is such a beautiful dress. I love this print :) I can understand the joy from sewing piping after a long break!