DIY Sweater into Cardigan

Hi! Long time no see right? :) This family here is having a rough new year start with a series of bugs and illness going on. I can't believe that this month is coming quickly to an end... I had so many sewing and blogging plans... Oh well, things will get better soon. I hope. :) 

So today I am joining the last day of a Refashion sewing series! It's the Refashion Week - January 2015 edition over House of Estrela. Magda is THE Queen of refashion! I always feel like I have so much to learn from her... She hosts these amazing refashion series from time to time and this time is a special edition with only fellow Portuguese sewing bloggers participating! This is a group of people that I hold tight in my heart. They are my Portuguese sewing friends and some of the most lovely and talented people I have met in this huge worldwide blogging community.

Last year I joined the July Refashion Month with a simple kids project (turning a romper into a tee!) and this time I am sharing with you a simple women clothes refashion and I even got to make a quick DIY! Yay!

I have turned an old (but still good) sweater into a cardigan. It is such a great project for instant gratification! And super easy too. 

What you will need: 
A sweater, bias tape (color of choice), scissors, measuring tape or ruler. 

How to turn a sweater into a cardigan in 3 easy steps!

Step #1 - Find the center line of your sweater. Mark it with a tailor chalk. Cut along that line

Step #2 - Pin the bias tape to one of the center edges - right side of the bias tape with wrong side of the cardigan. Stitch. Fold the bias tape to the right side of the cardigan. Pin and edge-stitch. Repeat on the other side.

Step #3 - Cut a strip of bias tape that is as long as the sum of both center edges plus the neckline. Pin around the neckline - right side of bias tape with wrong side of cardigan. Stitch. Fold the bias tape to the right side of the cardigan. Stitch all around the neckline and on both ties (to close the bias tape). Tie a lovely bow and you're done!

Three steps and about 20-30 minutes. It is all that takes to turn a sweater into a cardigan!

Note: Please excuse the lack of modeled photos on this post but after being with a stomach bug for almost a week now I am looking much like a "walker" (fans of the The Walking Dead anyone?). :) 

I have to admit that I love the ties closure. Either in the front or at the back. I have used it a few times in the last year like this cardigan, this blouse, this dress or this sweater
I was this close of adding a ruffled collar like I did on this blouse too, well maybe not so wide. But I decided to keep it simple. This time. :) I have another sweater that I am turning into a cardigan and I am probably going for it...

While I was sewing this a sweet memory came to my mind (funny how our brain works...)... My grandmother (who was a dressmaker) used to do this kind of refashioning to her sweaters
She would turn sweaters to cardigans, and also long sleeves to sleeveless, she would shorten the length, add a peter pan collar... She worked marvelously into refashioning clothes. We still keep some of her clothes - 99% handmade - in a big old beautiful chest so I guess I will share them with you some time. (Would that be fun?)

One of the goals I have for this year is to go back to sewing more for myself... And I even set the specific goal of sewing at least one piece per month! I know some people are setting this goal to her selves too! Will you join us?
So although this is not a new piece of garment, made from start, I am happy that I got to make it since this month is almost gone and I am not sure by the way things are going that I would manage to make something else for me...

It is funny because when I started to sew 4 years ago I only made clothes for me. It never crossed my mind to make clothes for my kids until I found this great (and amazing) online community of handmade kids clothes blogs! Then I started to sew mostly for my three kids and very seldom to myself... Now my kids have more clothes that they can wear and I am seriously lacking cool clothing on my wardrobe... :) (Is anyone with me here? :) ) So I am trying hard to resist the RTW stores sales going on right now to force myself to SEW for ME. Either that or I won't be going anywhere in the next couple of months... :)

Don't forget to have a look at all the refashion projects that were made as part of this series! There are so many great ideas from these ladies!

Day 5: S is for Sewing | Inês Cabanita | Made by Sara

Now grab that old sweater and run to your sewing machine! You will have a new cardigan in no time. :) 

Happy sewing!


  1. Que grande ideia Sara. Adorei! E quero muito ver as roupas feitas pela tua avó! ;-)

  2. 2 em 1... Gosto destes projectos! Aquela peça que esta na caixa de reciclar (use your stash) e o objectivo de coser para ti done! Ficou mesmo giro... vou copiar!

  3. Ficou giro, como algo simples faz uma diferença tão grande! Boa ideia ;-) Adorava ver as roupas feitas pela tua avó :-) P.S. Cá em casa também há fãs da série The Walking Dead (eu vejo por arrasto...)

  4. Super as usual Sara!
    Por ser uma ideia simples (e que resulta tão bem), acho que não vai ser nada dificil duplicar cá em casa. Obrigada pelas dicas :)
    E que giro a tua avó ser uma "mestra" do refashion - adorava ver as peças dela :)

  5. Grande ideia para acomodar esta minha barriga gigante Sara ;-)

  6. Ficou muito giro! E super fácil e rápido (mesmo o que queremos, para quando os miúdos dormem a sesta). A minha avó também costurava, mas não tem o espólio da tua. Fico, também, à espera desse post. Também tenho como objectivo, costurar para mim, este ano. Mas não sei se vou conseguir cumprir, janeiro já está a acabar e até agora só tenho costurado para os miúdos. Pelo menos tenho conseguido costurar um bocadinho todos os dias, nem que seja 15min., que era outro objectivo!

  7. Sara minha querida! Obrigado por participares mais uma vez. Bela forma de aproveitar uma blusa (que tem uma cor linda já agora), e que bom que te tenha feito recordar a tua avó. Quero mesmo ver essas fotos! A minha avó paterna não era costureira, mas o sonho dela era ter uma filha que o fosse, das 3 filhas que teve nenhuma se interessou, e só eu na família me dou a estas coisas. A minha tia mais nova uma vez disse-me a chorar "que orgulho que a tua avó teria em ti!", mas ela nunca chegou a saber, pois faleceu quando eu tinha 14 anos.

  8. Hi Sara. It is a while since I checked out your blog. What a great idea! I love the contrasting binding that you have used and the tie. I think I will give this a go. :-)


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