The Eleena Dress

Hi, again! :) It seems like I keep breaking all the great rules of blogging. I post either too sparingly or, like today, I post twice on the same day. But hey, I have always been a rebel, haha. 

This is the Eleena dress, one of my favorite dress patterns ever! This is the dress I made during the pattern testing and I am showing it today as part of the Eleena Dress Tour. I love the vintage look of this pattern! But I decided to make a modern edgier version of it. (I am a rebel, remember? hehe)

The Gabriella's Coat

Hi everyone! Today I am joining the Bella Sunshine Designs Birthday Blog Tour day 3

For this tour I was allowed to pick any of Bella Sunshine's patterns and I knew immediately what I was going to make: the Gabriella's coat! I was sad that I couldn't apply to test it and I was waiting for its release to make it for my girls. They are needing new coats and warm jackets, and this pattern looked perfect!

Playproof Dungarees and Willow Dress

One Thimble Issue 10 is out! Go check it here!

In this issue you can find 11 PDF patterns (clothes and non-clothing) plus 26 articles, tutorials and interviews! It's packed with great sewing content!

Today I am showcasing two patterns available on this issue: the
Playproof Dungarees and a modified version of the Willow Dress. I am in love with both patterns! 

The Cocoon Dress

Hi! Are you sewing along for Project Run & Play season 11

I was thrilled when season 11 was announced! PR&P was really important for me when I started to blog. It helped me to find lots of amazing blogs, to get to know super talented bloggers, and also to make my little blog at the time known. I was kind of sad that last year it was run on a different format, I must admit... But now it has come back with all the same fun and excitement as before! Four weeks, one theme each week, a few contestants, a linky party for everyone who wants to join the fun, and lots of amazing outfits!

The Tip Top

Happy Holidays everyone!! This is my favorite time of the year! Well, at least until Spring arrives there is. Then you will probably hear me saying that again. :) 

I am finally sharing one of my favorite makings of 2015, which is actually one of my favorite makings ever! It's the Tip Top & Dress pattern by one of my favorite pattern designers (and one of my references when it comes to kids style and fashion), Celina Bailey of Petit à Petit and Family